日本語 / English

7 Labor

7-1 Employment Referrals for General Workers アイコン画像Excel 97(45KB) CSV (3.8KB)
7-2 Placement of Trainees of TMG Vocational Skills Development Center (Vocational Training Facilities) アイコン画像Excel 97(53KB) CSV (7.1KB)
7-3 Coverage of (General) Employment Insurance and Collection of Labor Insurance アイコン画像Excel 97(35KB) CSV (1.2KB)
7-4 Payment of (General) Employment Insurance アイコン画像Excel 97(40KB) CSV (2.0KB)
7-5 Collection and Payment of (Day Laborers') Employment Insurance アイコン画像Excel 97(35KB) CSV (1.2KB)
7-6 Activities of Tokyo Labor Relations Commission アイコン画像Excel 97(37KB) CSV (1.4KB)
7-7 Labor Unions by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(39KB) CSV (2.2KB)
7-8 Labor Disputes by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(43KB) CSV (1.4KB)
7-9 Nominal Wage Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry (Total Cash Earnings) アイコン画像Excel 97(44KB) CSV (3.7KB)
7-10 Real Wage Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry (Total Cash Earnings) アイコン画像Excel 97(45KB) CSV (3.7KB)
7-11 Hours Worked Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry (Total Hours Worked) アイコン画像Excel 97(46KB) CSV (3.7KB)
7-12 Employment Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(47KB) CSV (3.8KB)
7-13 Population of 15 Years Old and Over by Gender, Labour Force Status, Wish for Work, Whether Wishing to Work, Whether Seeking a Job and Age アイコン画像Excel 97(54KB) CSV(15.0KB)
7-14 Persons Engaged in Work by Gender, Industry, and Age アイコン画像Excel 97(50KB) CSV(11.0KB)


Management and Coordination Section, Statistics Division, Bureau of General Affairs

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