日本語 / English


13-1 Public Employment Security
 (1) General Workers アイコン画像Excel 97(40KB) CSV (3.9KB)
 (2) Placements to Openings for General Workers by Persons Engaged and Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(34KB) CSV (3.6KB)
 (3) Employment Exchange of the Middle and Old Aged アイコン画像Excel 97(26KB) CSV (1.7KB)
 (4) Employment Exchange of Mentally and Physically Handicapped アイコン画像Excel 97(26KB) CSV (1.8KB)
 (5) Employment Exchange of Day Laborers アイコン画像Excel 97(26KB) CSV (1.9KB)
 (6) Employment Exchange of New School Graduates アイコン画像Excel 97(26KB)  
  a Jr. Secondary Schools   CSV (1.1KB)
  b Sr. Secondary Schools   CSV (1.1KB)
13-2 Placement of Trainees of TMG Technical Colleges アイコン画像Excel 97(50KB) CSV (7.1KB)
13-3 Coverage of (General) Employment Insurance and Collection of Labor Insurance アイコン画像Excel 97(26KB) CSV (1.2KB)
13-4 Payment of (General) Employment Insurance アイコン画像Excel 97(34KB) CSV (2.4KB)
13-5 Collection and Payment of (Day Laborers') Employment Insurance アイコン画像Excel 97(24KB) CSV (1.2KB)
13-6 Activities of Tokyo Labor Relations Commission アイコン画像Excel 97(23KB) CSV (1.4KB)
13-7 Labor Unions by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(27KB) CSV (1.9KB)
13-8 Conclusion of Collective Agreements by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(29KB) CSV (1.9KB)
13-9 Labor Disputes by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(26KB) CSV (1.1KB)
13-10 Employment Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(32KB) CSV (4.4KB)
13-11 Nominal Wage Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(33KB) CSV (4.4KB)
13-12 Real Wage Indexes of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(32KB) CSV (4.3KB)
13-13 Average Monthly Cash Earnings of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(53KB) CSV (7.9KB)
13-14 Average Monthly Days Worked of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(43KB) CSV (6.9KB)
13-15 Average Monthly Hours Worked of Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(43KB) CSV (7.4KB)
13-16 Estimated Regular Workers by Industry アイコン画像Excel 97(42KB) CSV (7.4KB)
13-17 Workers, Duration of Service, Hours Worked and Earnings by Size of Enterprise, Industry and Sex アイコン画像Excel 97(55KB) CSV (9.0KB)
13-18 Earnings by Industry, Size of Enterprise, Sex and Age アイコン画像Excel 97(61KB) CSV(15.5KB)


Management and Coordination Section, Statistics Division, Bureau of General Affairs

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